read the first part first,to learn the background of my opinion. here okay now,
naruto 1st.
the main leading roles has been the team 7 consisted of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.
naruto is always been a carefree but not a genius,cheerful orphan whose atfirst being hated by the people in his village,meanwhile
sasuke shares the same faith as orphan but all the other characteristic is the exact opposite from naruto.
if naruto were a
shojo manga, sasuke's character is usually the main hero whose gonna make the girl go kyaaa ,screaming but only the ordinary girl who won his heart and true love is the leading lady(
shojo manga=girl manga, try to learn from these :itazura na kiss, watashini xx shinasai,vampire knight,kyo koi wo hajimemasu,even yandere kanojo).but naruto is a
shonen manga(shonen=boy manga), which most likely to put aside all the lovey dovey thing from the story and more into the friendship and fighting,although that love thing mentioned once or twice.
and learned that the title is naruto,so definitely the main role is naruto,despite all the facts that he's not one of the guy who would be loved by girls,but more to nuisance and avoidable.the author tried to show naruto's character as the good perspective of
'don't judge a book by its cover' thing.and sakura is just an ordinary girl who would fond of handsome and clever guy,and never bother to see the other way where there is one guy who loved her a long time ago,but she's not dumb enough to differentiate things by the time goes by.although forgetting 1st love is not an easy thing to do
(well c'mon we all do)the perfect similarity to this story is
kimi wa petto,hana yori dango and
GTO for manga,or
sappuri for drama.
if u read/watched them u'll know what i for hinata is only an additional character that become popular because of her devotion,but as long as she's not the leading lady in the story,things will not be good in her way in the end and most likely give up to fight.the character similar to hinata but played as the leading lady happens in
inuyasha, kagome is the shadow of inuyasha's love to kikyo.she won the love coz she's the leading lady,similar to
H2-kimi to itahibi,nodame cantabile.
the unfortunate things is that the author made a blurry vision of the relationships and feeling between the characters(
or maybe he's just focus mainly on the fighting and story),also for making sakura as a total despicable 2personalities girl who didn't deserve the love in the first part as a kid,coz she treated naruto badly and act as a super sasuke fanatic lover.this has resolved in a long winding arguments of who is more suitable with who.but then again if its true that the author is following the culture of mostly japanese story
(read in the 1st part of this article to know), about the
2nd chance, she 's already showing it by how she change in the 2nd part/ longer 2personalities,more gentle towards naruto and things.although its a pity,some of the fans are already made up their mind for disliking her.
and that
people can change from good to bad or the other way around.sasuke ,pein/pain, itachi, orochimaru,sasori, are the examples.nothing is static and stay the same without going through changes,just like our lifes,right?
well in the end the story will be still along way to go though,i just hope that the author can decide what's best ending that won't hurt some fanatic just saying coz its all only based what i've learned so far,so its not a definite truth,since only the author will decide it.the main thing is who is the main characters and that's it.
as for bleach is most likely similar somehow.
but one thing for sure,no love that would last forever other than love based on friendship and accepting each other for who they really are and where the couple can be comfortably be together without hesitation or without hiding the feelings and thoughts.*insert pic is mine,dont use without permission.
p.s:the failure description of Japanese culture shown in Ninja Assassin movie,try to compare it with Azumi or Shinobi.