This idea came up in between me and my online friend Joan's daily conversation. She excitedly told me about the new character which is her favorite character, Shanks's twin, Shamrock. Then, I suggested she draw a twin of our own. She drew Shanks and Shamrock and I drew Yoriichi and Kokushibo from Demon Slayer. The result as you can see in the picture of this post.
Actually I already had plans to draw my twin for some time and this collaboration made it come true sooner for me. Since I had uploaded the article about my twin, the focus would be about why twins are interesting. Perhaps, my friend does not know yet about her twin because she said there was not much information about them in the story, meanwhile, mine was already fixed since the story was finished a few years ago.
Twins are always a mystery. Although I'm not a twin myself, I had friends who are twins themselves in which I only befriended one of them in my junior high school years back then because we were classmates. The other one, I barely knew her because we've never talked and became classmates at that time. I got a story from my other friend who knew her better, that she often felt upset to be in the same school as her younger sister (my classmate). She said she was upset for being compared with her younger sister in everything, either looks, achievements, appearances, etc. Moreover, the unfortunate part is that her sister inherited everything better than her. She became bitter about it especially even when friends started to point it out loud.
I had to admit that her feelings were true. Her sister was indeed better in her study and everything else mentioned above but it was not an acceptable reason for her to feel upset or bad but rather she should've tried harder to be better to prove them wrong. This is exactly what reminded me of Yoriichi and Kokushibo. When trying to compete doesn't work out, the only thing left is to find peace of our own and be grateful for what we have rather than succumb into deeper despair or envy towards our own sibling. Everyone is born with their own unique character and talent that might not be noticed or known since the beginning. This is just my two cents though since the normal sibling might experience the same thing anyway despite the age gap.