the other 2 doujinshis of mine also had been used in the same way, and i found out a few days after the 1st case.
the thought turned into la reflexion (this one still use the old cover i made before,not the on on the pic i put here) and
the trap turned into la trampa, by different user in that same site.is it asking too much if only give a link to my blog and ask me for permission? damn! :(

i wrote it for the 1st time in DA on May 22, 2011.
*sigh... well I know its kind of habit for happening all over the net(copying someone's art), But today I saw one of
my Narusaku doujin 'Have Faith in me' is used and translated in Spanish language
here Honestly I was annoyed for she didn't ask any permission from me nor put any link to my blog for it.I don't know what to do with it,.... I can't comment nor complain.

I was honored for the comment from the reader(after using google translate) that the review was OK and that maybe it was getting more popular But somehow I'm still pissed with it.

oh well it made me lose the mood to work on the current doujinshi...
and I think I should protect my art more in any how.
Not to mention some of my bleach pics used in some sites too *sigh...
*one of the page(page3) that already translated applied.