well well, I had an ugly mood this morning. Was I too naive or insensitive, i don't know. However, I realized that some people just couldn't handle the truth. I might be one of them, if it's too painful or sickening but at least I 'll try my best to live with it. Things are just shitty and maybe because of my words, pouring out what was on my head, some people refuse to deal with the truth that I've written in my journal.
Probably i was too sad and angry at the same time, anyway I'd still think that they have no right to do what they've done. I might offending somebody but if its for their own good, I think they have to just deal with it. Honestly,I had enough reasoning to those who would do the same to me but without any good reason or knowing the real situation.
And some people are lacking in handling their manner. No gratitude whatsoever to those who like them and appreciate their art. It made me sick and I didn't know how much longer I withstand this kind of situation. As if this kind of thing has turned one side of my good sense off.