Thursday, December 30, 2010

my entries for 4season and xmas contest being copied

honto ni mendokushi naa!
these 2pics with the ideas that came up without any ref from anywhere had been copied by a shameless person who used tablet and came from the same country as me. other people will think that maybe she has a better techniques but when it come to ideas,this person just nothing but an ass.
damn i'm so pissed!

the 1st one Naruto x tenten on winter, submitted in DA on October 1,2010.

the 2nd one is Konoha xmas, submitted in DA on November 20,2010.

these artworks are not copy or use without permission.the characters copyright belong to the author.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

new narusaku doujinshi: have faith in me last part(13-16)

this is the 5th narusaku doujinshi i made.enjoy!

all artworks,idea and story done by me and belong to not copy or use without permission.

characters belong to the Naruto's author- Masashi Kishimoto.

click the image to enlarge
previous part

new narusaku doujinshi: have faith in me part3(9-12)

this is the 5th narusaku doujinshi i made.enjoy!

all artworks,idea and story done by me and belong to not copy or use without permission.

characters belong to the Naruto's author- Masashi Kishimoto.

click the image to enlarge
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9th commission: my friend's Upcoming comic project

these are 2 Original characters created by My friend Fancy Ryoma for his Upcoming comic book. the drawing done by him and he commissioned me for the coloring.Do not use or copy without permission.the characters belong to the author.

new narusaku doujinshi: have faith in me part2(5-8)

this is the 5th narusaku doujinshi i made.enjoy!

all artworks,idea and story done by me and belong to not copy or use without permission.

characters belong to the Naruto's author- Masashi Kishimoto.

click the image to enlarge
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new narusaku doujinshi: have faith in me part1(1-4)

this is the 5th narusaku doujinshi i made.enjoy!

all artworks,idea and story done by me and belong to not copy or use without permission.

characters belong to the Naruto's author- Masashi Kishimoto.

click the image to enlarge
next part

submitted in DA on December 12,2010.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 narusaku arts

1.someone like you,mom
(submitted in DA on August 14th,officially removed Dec 22th,2010)
2.the dillema

naruto:' I understand that you might not forget him completely,but it doesn't matter actually...cause i always love you'

sakura :'i know that you would have some doubts about how i feel,but you'd never know that deep down i cherish you more than anyone else,even him,so much that it hurts me'

the dillema...(submitted in DA on August 28th,2010,officially removed Dec 22th,2010.)

artwork (c)mine, naruto characters(c)masashi kishimoto
dont use or copy without my permission

Sunday, December 19, 2010

3 VK pics i remove from DA

To be honest I'm bored with this 2pics, and feel less appreciated by the one i talked too about the story behind the drawings, so i decided to removed it also from DA today, officially!
the 1st one submitted in DA on March 25,2010.its about my story of zero and yuki escape together to an island.
the 2nd one is zero in kaname's uniform wit his late brother ichiru.submitted to DA on March 23,2010.
the last one(zero x kaname) I forgot when but it has been a long time since i delete it from DA too.
these pics are mine,do not use 0r copy without permission.the characters belong to Matsuri Hino-the author of Vampire Knight.

naruhina pics

these were the challenge request from my friend hioshizuka23 on DA and also as proof that i can do other pairing for commission without involving my personal taste.
i will now officially remove these 2pics from DA.

the 1st one submitted in DA on March 12, 2010. as for the 2nd pic submitted on August 10,2010.
these pictures are mine, do not use or copy without my permission.the characters belong to Naruto's author- Masashi Kishimoto. My personal taste still NaruSaku :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

the drawing for me from other artist

these are some arts made by other DA artists for me as the prizes for winning the contest in Kakashi group and Ichiruki group.

1. Enma Ai from Jigoku shojo- girl from hell by touyofuu.
2. Narusaku chibi by hopelessDreamer.
3.Emily the strange by Suzie-Thzombie.
4.My id with L by Lazylad, I asked her to draw my id pic with L from deathnote.
5. The Kiryuu twin coloring by mikaorurk, coloring the drawing i made on pic no.3 and the result is the 2nd pic. So far i like the result. :D

the drawing belong to me and the artists no copy without permissions.
actually there is one more art by Sanzo stclair but he already delete it from DA before i managed to save it. its a drawing of L's weird pose.

Anyway thanks for all artist :D:D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the contest I've won on DA's groups

these were my drawings for different contests in different groups of DA.
1.rukia in bleached ninja contest.though its only won the 5th place from more 30 entries.(submitted in DA on September 23th,2010)
2.frau X haruse 's drawing won in reversed role for 07ghost contest.
this one was quite unpredictable since i thought my friend would've won this, cause her drawing was so nice.(submitted on October 8th,2010 in DA)
3.kakashi's bday present won in kakashi bday contest
this one also was quite amusing.i drew this after i got a very interesting idea to draw.(submitted on september 12th,2010 in DA)
4.ichiruki's halloween contest.
i've never thought this one would win cause other entries also great.(submitted on October 5th,2010 in DA)

these drawings are mine, do not copy or use without permission. the characters copyrights belong to the author

Friday, December 3, 2010

downloadable stuff

want some downloadable stuff? here is the link
although I haven't got the time to add some more due to my very short break time,but i will try to do it again later.i try to make it into one compilation and maybe design some cover with my drawing but then again if i have the time. my hands are full at the moment. i want some holiday (T^T)!!

and I'm also planning on re-do my manga or make another doujin for fun, still i don't really know when i will find the time doing so....
all what i can do now is thinking how to get things done for the tasks and earn some money for the fee .

Monday, November 29, 2010

another contest i've lost and withdrew.

the pic of 2 guys cosplaying for halloween was my entry for a contest held by one of my 'used to be' friend. but unfortunately I'm out of patience and tolerance of her so i withdrew this from the contest and due to incompetence of her changing the prize twice and delayed the announcement without any reasonable explanation.

and the cat photo was the entry of one DA contest but then again it lost, well its another attempt and i didn't regret it :) i submitted it on DA on September 24th,2010, although i will delete it soon anyway from there.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

8th commission :coloring manga page

click to enlarge.this manga belongs to fancy-ryoma, i did the coloring as he requested and this commissioned paid by DA point.don't use or copy without his or my permission.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

narusaku doujinsi :love is part 10-13 end

this is the last part of the doujinshi. artwork,idea,all belong to me,characters belong to masashi kishimoto. dont use without permission!
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narusaku doujinsi :love is part 5-9

this is the 2nd posting for the continuation of the doujin love is. all art belongs to me, characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.dont use without permission!
READ FROM RIGHT TO the pic to enlarge.
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